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Idaho Appellate Rules (I.A.R.)


1. Title, construction and effective date.


2. Scope and definitions.


3. Writs of review, bills of exceptions, and writs of certiorari.


4. Persons who may appeal.


5. Special writs and proceedings.


6. Title of appeal and designation of parties and size of paper.


7. Substitution of party.


7.1. Intervention.


8. Amicus curiae.


9. Appearance of attorneys not licensed in Idaho.


10. Hearings by the Supreme Court.


11. Appealable judgments and orders.


 11.1 Appealable judgments and orders from the magistrate court.


11.2 Signing of notice of appeals, petitions, motions, briefs and other papers; sanctions.


12. Appeal by permission.


12.1. Permissive appeal in custody and guardianship cases.


12.2 Expedited review for appeals in custody cases brought pursuant to Rule 11.1 or Rule 12.1.


12.3 Certification of a question of law from a United States court.


12.4 Expedited Appeals in Industrial Commission Appeals pursuant to Rule 11(d)(2).


13. Stay of proceedings upon appeal or certification.


13.1. Ex parte temporary stay.


13.2. Suspension of appeal.


13.3. Temporary remand to district court or administrative agency.


13.4. Delegation of jurisdiction to district court during an appeal.


13.5. Stipulation for vacation, reversal or modification of judgment.
         -Repealed August 27, 2013 


14. Time for filing appeals.


15. Cross-appeal after an appeal.


16. Bonds on appeal.


17. Notice of appeal - Contents.


18. Notice of cross-appeal - Contents.


19. Request for additional transcript or clerk's or agency's record.


20. Filing and service of documents.


20.1. Filing and service of documents by facsimile machine.


21. Effect of failure to comply with time limits.


22. Computation of time.


23. Filing fees and clerk's certificate of appeal - Waiver of appellate filing fee.


24. Reporter's transcript - Format - Estimate of fees - Payment to clerk in trust - Time for preparation - Waiver of reporter's fee.


25. Reporter's transcript - Contents.


26. Preparation and arrangement of reporter's


26.1. Computer-searchable disks of transcripts - Repealed effective January 24, 2019. 


27. Clerk's or agency's record - Number - Clerk's fees - Payment of estimated fees - Time for preparation - Waiver of clerk's fee.


28. Preparation of clerk's or agency's record - Content and arrangement.


29. Settlement and filing of reporter's transcript and clerk's or agency's record.


30. Augmentation or deletions from transcript or record.


30.1. Corrections of transcript or record.


30.2 Augmentation of record on appeal with copy of an ordinance.


31. Exhibits, recordings and documents.


31.1. Reclaiming exhibits, documents or property.


32. Motions - Time for filing - Briefs.


33. Stipulation for dismissal.


33.1. [Rescinded July 1, 2001.]


34. Briefs on appeal - Number - Length - Time for filing - Extension - Augmentation.


34-1. Electronic Briefs - Repealed effective January 24, 2019.


35. Content and arrangement of briefs.


36. Preparation of briefs.


37. Oral argument.


38. Opinions and remittiturs.


39. Remittitur following mandate from the Supreme Court of the United States.


40. Taxation of costs.


41. Attorney fees on appeal.


42. Petition for rehearing.


43. Special writs. -Repealed effective July 1, 2009


44. Extraordinary appellate procedure.


44.1 Expedited Review for appeals brought pursuant to I.C. 18-609A


45. Withdrawal or substitution of appellate counsel.


45.1. Criminal appeals - Counsel on appeal.


46. Extension of time generally.


47. Service of court opinions, orders and other documents by the clerk.


48. Practice not covered by rules.


49. Appellate settlement conference.



Idaho Court of Appeals


101. Rules applicable to the Idaho Court of Appeals.


102. Idaho Court of Appeals.


103. [Reserved.]


104. Chief Judge.


105. [Reserved.]


106. Clerk and officers of court.


107. [Reserved.]


108. Assignment of cases.


109. Oral Argument.


110. Case files.


111. Argument by telephone conference call.


112. Determination of appeals.


113. [Reserved.]


114. Re-transfer of case to Supreme Court.


115. [Reserved.]


116. Petition for rehearing before Court of Appeals.


117. [Reserved.]


118. Petition for review by the Supreme Court.


119. [Reserved.]


120. Review of decisions on initiative of Supreme Court.


121. [Reserved.]


122. Opinions and remittiturs.

As the Third Branch of Government, we provide access to justice through the timely, fair, and impartial resolution of cases.


Members of the
Idaho Supreme Court

Chief Justice G Richard Bevan
Justice Robyn M. Brody
Justice Gregory W. Moeller
Justice Colleen D. Zahn
Justice Cynthia K.C. Meyer

Members of the
Idaho Court of Appeals

Chief Judge David W. Gratton
Judge Molly J Huskey
Judge Jessica M. Lorello
Judge Michael P. Tribe



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