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Plan on Attending Court?


The Idaho Supreme Court and Idaho Court of Appeals hold oral argument at the Supreme Court building, 451 W. State St. in Boise. The Supreme Court also travels to other parts of Idaho throughout the year and holds sessions of the Court there.


Oral argument is usually the last step before issuing an opinion in an appeal. If you plan to attend a session of Idaho's appellate courts:


  • •  Plan ahead for parking and time to enter the building. A Capitol Mall parking map is available here. Three-hour visitor parking spaces are located both east and west of the Supreme Court building. You will go through a security screening when you first enter the building.
  • •  The courtroom will be open approximately 15 minutes before oral argument. Hearings before the Supreme Court generally last one hour.
  • •  Information about the case being heard is available on the courts' online calendars (Supreme Court | Court of Appeals) and posted near the courtroom door.


Court order prohibits bringing weapons onto Supreme Court grounds. Court order also regulates the placement of posters, banners, signs and other displays in and around the building. For detailed information, please read the most current security order here.


When you enter the courtroom:


  • •  Please silence all cell phones and other electronic devices.
  • •  No cameras or recording devices allowed without advanced permission from the respective court.
  • •  No food or beverages allowed in the courtroom.
  • •  No backpacks are allowed in the courtroom.
  • •  Please remove your hat upon entering the courtroom.


Failure to adhere to the Supreme Court rules and or any justice's or judge's orders constitute grounds to be removed from the court proceedings.


Supreme Court hearings are also livestreamed. To watch a hearing while it is taking place, visit Idaho In Session.



As the Third Branch of Government, we provide access to justice through the timely, fair, and impartial resolution of cases.


Members of the
Idaho Supreme Court

Chief Justice G Richard Bevan
Justice Robyn M. Brody
Justice Gregory W. Moeller
Justice Colleen D. Zahn
Justice Cynthia K.C. Meyer

Members of the
Idaho Court of Appeals

Chief Judge David W. Gratton
Judge Molly J Huskey
Judge Jessica M. Lorello
Judge Michael P. Tribe



Promoting Openness In The Courts
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