Idaho Infraction Rule 10.1. Forms and Procedures for Fish and Game Infractions.
The forms provided for in these Infraction Rules and the procedures set forth in these rules for the handling of defaults of an infraction shall be modified to accommodate fish and game infractions. All provisions for the suspension of a license shall refer to the suspension of a fishing, hunting or trapping license as provided for by I.C. Section 36-505 and the judgment shall be sent to the Department of Fish and Game rather than the Department of Transportation. Forms provided by the Idaho Statewide Trial Court Automated Records Systems (ISTARS) may be used for these purposes.
(Adopted February 10, 1993, effective July 1, 1993.)
Chief Justice G Richard Bevan
Justice Robyn M. Brody
Justice Gregory W. Moeller
Justice Colleen D. Zahn
Justice Cynthia K.C. Meyer
Chief Judge David W. Gratton
Judge Molly J Huskey
Judge Jessica M. Lorello
Judge Michael P. Tribe
Promoting Openness In The Courts
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