Child custody mediation provides parents guidance in resolving differences they may have and in the development of a parenting plan through the help of an expert (Mediator). If the parents can work out an agreement, the Mediator helps them write the parenting plan, which may become a custody and visitation order when signed by a judge.
These mediators are governed by Idaho Rules of Family Law Procedures Rule 602 and Idaho Rules of Evidence Rule 507.
>Child Custody Mediator Info Sheet, Requirements, & Application Form (PDF)
>Renewals Only Application (PDF)
A complete list of mediators is available below the search options. To filter this list, please select the counties, judicial districts, or type the name of the mediator you're searching for below, then click the "Search" button. Scroll down to see your returned results.
Please check with your local Family Court Services office. Counties may have their own roster of Mediators.
Counties | Districts | |
Mellick, Christine Skullnah Legal Services, PLLC - Remote Appointments Available 410 E Sherman #217 Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Phone: (208) 253-9520 [email protected] |
Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Bonner, Bonneville, Boundary, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Clearwater, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Kootenai, Latah, Lemhi, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, Washington | First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh |
Meserve, Janet 324 W Garden Ave Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Phone: (208) 446-1179 Fax: (888) 960-4885 [email protected] |
Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai | First |
Plummer, John W. 7701 Gillis Rd Boise, Idaho 83714 Phone: (208) 869-8022 [email protected] |
Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Bonner, Bonneville, Boundary, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Clearwater, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Kootenai, Latah, Lemhi, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, Washington | First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh |
Priest, Amie Bridges Behavioral Health Virtual Appointments Available 323 W Pine Ave Meridian, Idaho 83686 Phone: (208) 286-1388 Fax: (208) 314-1480 [email protected] |
Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Bonner, Bonneville, Boundary, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Clearwater, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Kootenai, Latah, Lemhi, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, Washington | First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh |
Radey, Thalia Thalia Radey Law 1111 S Orchard St, Ste 232 Boise, Idaho 83705 Phone: (208) 577-6795 Fax: (800) 385-7902 [email protected] |
Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Bonner, Bonneville, Boundary, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Clearwater, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Kootenai, Latah, Lemhi, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, Washington | First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh |
Rakes, Matthew Aaron Rakes Mediation & Family Law 1420 Lincoln Way, Suite 500 Coeur d' Alene, Idaho 83815 Phone: (208) 770-0918 [email protected] |
Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai, Latah, Nez Perce, Shoshone | First, Second |
Rodriguez-Kirby, Jeannette S.C. Kelly & Associate, LLC / Bi-Lingual (Spanish/English) 107 S Kimball Ave, Ste 255, Caldwell, ID 83705 7091 W Emerald St Boise, Idaho 83704 Phone: (208) 571-2787 [email protected] |
Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Bonner, Bonneville, Boundary, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Clearwater, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Kootenai, Latah, Lemhi, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, Washington | First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh |
Roletto, Martha T. Roletto Law, PLLC 1137 N 3rd Steet Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83814 Phone: (208) 449-7039 Fax: (208) 442-7575 [email protected] |
Benewah, Bonner, Kootenai, Shoshone | First |
Roy, Matthew - LPC Spanish English - Bilingual 305 N 17th St Boise, Idaho 83702 Phone: (337) 873-1606 [email protected] |
Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Bonner, Bonneville, Boundary, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Clearwater, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Kootenai, Latah, Lemhi, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, Washington | First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh |
Sanchez, Edidt Bilingual (Spanish/English) PO Box 13 Roberts, Idaho 83444 Phone: 208-251-0011 [email protected] |
Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Bonner, Bonneville, Boundary, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Clearwater, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Kootenai, Latah, Lemhi, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, Washington | First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh |