Local Resources
Idaho CareLine: 211 or 800-926-2588
Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence [1]
The Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence is a statewide non-profit dual coalition that advocate on behalf of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Incorporated in 1980, the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence has grown to become a statewide membership network of over 80 shelter programs, counseling programs, law enforcement, victim witness units, prosecutors, and allied professionals – advocating for the safety and rights of victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Idaho Council on Domestic Violence & Victim Assistance [2]
The Idaho Council on Domestic Violence was created by the legislature in early 1982 (I.C. 395201). The Council's mission is to fund programs that serve victims of crime, and to help victims through legislation, advocacy, training, and public awareness. The website provides links to approved programs for victims of crime and for domestic violence batterer treatment programs.
Idaho Legal Aid [3]
Idaho Legal Aid Services is a nonprofit statewide law firm dedicated to providing equal access to justice for low income people through quality advocacy and education.Information regarding the organization, its office locations, and available services, as well as providing legal information.
National Resources
National 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence [4]
Founded in 1994, the ABA Commission on Domestic Violence is the only national organization that focuses exclusively on improving the legal response to domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Its site contains includes publications and videos, information about domestic violence in the workplace, public education brochures, and other useful resources for attorneys and victims of domestic violence.
American Domestic Violence Crisis Line [5]
It is the mission of The American Domestic Violence Crisis Line to serve Americans being abused in foreign countries. Our crisis line number is toll free internationally by calling the local AT&T operator from the country you are living in and asking to be connected to 866-USWOMEN. The crisis line is toll free nationally to serve families who have loved ones being abused overseas by dialing 1-866-USWOMEN.
Battered Women's Justice Project [6]
The Battered Women's Justice Project offers training, technical assistance, and consultation on the most promising practices of the criminal and civil justice systems in addressing domestic violence. Staff attorneys and advocates can provide information and analyses on effective policing, prosecuting, sentencing, and monitoring of domestic violence offenders.
Breakthecycle.org [7]
Offers links and resources on Domestic Violence.
Center for Court Innovation [8]
A non-profit think tank headquartered in New York that helps courts and criminal justice agencies aid victims, reduce crime and improve public trust in justice. The Center works closely with jurisdictions around the U.S. and the rest of the world, disseminating lessons learned from innovative programs and providing hands-on assistance to criminal justice practitioners interested in deploying new research-based strategies to improve the delivery of justice.
Domestic Violence Against Men [9]
Provides statistics and resources for violence against men.
DomesticViolence.org [10]
Information and resources on Domestic Violence.
Family Violence Prevention Fund [11]
Instrumental in developing the landmark Violence Against Women Act passed by Congress in 1994, the Family Violence Prevention Fund has continued to break new ground by transforming the way health care providers, police, judges, employers and others address violence. Its site contains information about the Fund’s programs for and about children, health, immigrant woman, public education, public policy, and more. A Take Action section urges others to become involved in the movement to end abuse, while a Resource section includes personal stories, a fact sheet, a celebrity watch, and other features.
National Center for Victims of Crime [12]
A resource and advocacy organization, the National Center for Victims of Crime is dedicated to serving individuals, families, and communities harmed by crime. The site offers litigation information, policy updates, and victim assistance, and hosts resource centers for issues like dating violence, violence against women, and stalking.
National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence [13]
Created to encourage unprecedented levels of collaboration among professionals working to end violence against women, the National Center of Domestic and Sexual Violence maintains an extensive library of domestic violence and sexual violence resources in areas like battering prevention, dating/teen violence, incarcerated women, portrayal of women in the media, sexual harassment. News brief and the Center’s newsletter are also offered on the site.
National Center for State Courts [14]
The National Center for State Courts is the organization courts turn to for authoritative knowledge and information, because its efforts are directed by collaborative work with the Conference of Chief Justices, the Conference of State Court Administrators, and other associations of judicial leaders.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence [15]
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a grassroots non-profit membership organization working to end violence in the lives of women and children. This small site offers contact information and a brief description of the Coalition’s activities.
National Domestic Violence Hotline [16]
Created as part of the milestone legislation of the Violence Against Women Act passed by Congress in 1994, The National Domestic Violence Hotline receives more than 13,000 calls a month from people asking for crisis intervention, referrals and general information about domestic violence. The hotline’s website is full of facts and resources for victims.
National Network to End Domestic Violence [17]
The National Network to End Domestic Violence is a social change organization representing state domestic violence coalitions, and is dedicated to creating a social, political and economic environment in which violence against women no longer exists. Its site includes, among other things, a Legislative Action Center and a Legal Action Center that detail the network’s legislative activities and current court cases.
National Network to End Violence Against Immigrant Women [18]
The National Network to End Violence Against Immigrant Women is a broad-based coalition of more than 500 organizations and individuals that advocate, provide services, and offer assistance to immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and trafficking. Its site describes the network and the technical assistance it provides to those who encounter immigrant survivors of these crimes.
National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women [19]
The goal of the National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women is to harness and use electronic communication technology as a resource for those working to end violence against women. The site offers a wealth of publications, including newsletters, research reports, brochures, and articles on sexual violence, domestic violence, and funding sources.
National Sexual Violence Research Center [20]
The National Sexual Violence Research Center is an information and resource hub relating to all aspects of sexual violence. Its site provides four categories of resources—materials, organizations, library, and publications—as well as lists of organizations and funding material.
The Green Book: Effective Intervention in Domestic Violence & Child Maltreatment Cases - Guidelines for Policy and Practice [21]
A set of recommendations designed to help dependency courts and child welfare and domestic violence agencies better serve families experiencing violence, the "Greenbook" was developed by a group of leading family court judges and experts on child maltreatment and domestic violence. The book is available on the site, along with news, events, links, and other features.
The Office on Women's Health [22]
Part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Office on Women’s Health is the government's focal point for women's health issues, working to “redress inequities in research, health care services, and education that have historically placed the health of women at risk.” Its Violence Against Women page details its activities, which include a Nursing Task Force on Violence Against Women and National Social Work Task Force on Violence Against Women.
U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women [23]
The Office on Violence Against Women handles the U.S. Department of Justice’s legal and policy issues regarding violence against women, provides national and international leadership, receives international visitors interested in learning about the federal government’s role in addressing violence against women, and responds to requests for information regarding violence against women. Its site is filled with research, statistics, legislative news, and publications.
Violence Against Women Online Resources [24]
This site—a cooperative project of the Office on Violence Against Women, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice and Minnesota Center Against Violence & Abuse within the School of Social Work at the University of Minnesota—provides up-to-date information on interventions to stop violence against women. Users can browse documents regarding domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, child custody and protection, and batterer intervention programs.
The VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) Courts Assistance project [25]
A collaboration between the National Center for State Courts and the Conference of State Court Administrators, with funding from the Office on Violence Against Women. The project encourages innovative use of STOP (Services Training, Officers, and Prosecutors) funds for courts. The Statewide Efforts section focuses on the VAWA Courts Assistance project, which promotes the establishment of statewide points of contact to help maximize and coordinate effective use of the five percent set-aside for courts under the VAWA's STOP Grants to States. The Cross-Jurisdictional Efforts features Extending Project Passport and the accomplishments of states and tribes to improve access to and enforcement of protection orders across jurisdictions by adopting a recognizable first page for their protection orders.
WomensLaw.org [26]
The mission of WomensLaw.org is to provide easy-to-understand legal information and resources to women living with or escaping domestic violence. It publishes state-specific legal information for domestic violence, as well as information on getting help in specific communities.
[1] http://www.idvsa.org
[2] https://icdv.idaho.gov/
[3] http://www.idaholegalaid.org
[4] http://www.abanet.org/domviol/home.html
[5] http://www.866uswomen.org
[6] http://www.bwjp.org/
[7] http://www.breakthecycle.org
[8] http://www.courtinnovation.org/
[9] http://www.oregoncounseling.org/Handouts/DomesticViolenceMen.htm
[10] http://www.domesticviolence.org
[11] http://www.endabuse.org/
[12] http://www.victimsofcrime.org
[13] http://www.ncdsv.org/
[14] http://www.ncsc.org
[15] http://www.ncadv.org/
[16] http://www.ndvh.org/
[17] http://www.nnedv.org/
[18] http://www.immigrantwomennetwork.org/
[19] http://www.vawnet.org/
[20] http://www.nsvrc.org
[21] http://www.thegreenbook.info/
[22] http://www.womenshealth.gov
[23] http://www.usdoj.gov/ovw/
[24] http://www.cehd.umn.edu/ssw/mincava/
[25] http://www.vawaandcourts.org/
[26] http://www.womenslaw.org/